1" (CBR Mk.1) was started by Reddit user TPangolin (TPang) on the 20th of Feburary 2015, when the first part of the CBR was posted to r/civ. The first installment of the CBR, "Civ Battle Royale Mk. The game takes place on a giant earth map, and the spawning points of the civs are based on their real-life location. Most of the Civs in the game are not from the official Developers of Sid Meier's Civilization V, but rather mods developed by the fanbase.
The games are based on multiple historic based Civilizations (Civs) controlled by the ingame artificial inteligences fighting for Victory based on the Battle Royale Concept, meaning that only one of the starting Civs will survive until the end.
The Civ Battle Royale (CBR) is a series of "AI only games" in the well-known video game Sid Meier's Civilization V (CIV 5 / CIV V).