It’s the work of LupusHegemonia, who’s taken the original mod and tweaked it to his own end.

It’s already been available for the original Skyrim, but this new and improved version has arrived tailored towards the Skyrim Special Edition. Modder ‘jd941’ has used photogrammetry techniques to achieve this, the same sort of techniques used to great effect in Star Wars Battlefront 2 and The Vanishing of Ethan Carter. The latest such mod is an 8K and 4K texture mod for Skyrim’s rocks and assorted geometry. Provided you’ve got a powerful enough PC, and you’re willing to put in the time, TES: Skyrim can be the best-looking game on the planet, some seven years after its release. Modders continue to wondrous things with The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, many times beyond what Bethesda themselves achieved with the enhanced edition.