esp file in your Fallout: New Vegas data folder. I would also recommend downloading cordsnwires' excellent mod " Decrucifixion". Be aware that any Legionaries you left alive will attack them as they make their escape! Otho has the key, or you can just pick the lock. You can find Ranger Stella and Andrews through the door in the back of the arena. Freed slaves are sent to the appropriate location immediately after exiting the Fort, so you can fast-travel there and find out how they're doing. Freeing a slave gives you a karma boost and a small reputation bump with the appropriate faction. Rescued NCR soldiers will travel to Camp Forlorn Hope slaves can be sent either to the Followers of the Apocalypse or the NCR's refugee camp at Aerotech Park (assuming you've discovered it). Once you've already become permanently hostile to the Legion (failed the quest Beware the Wrath of Caesar!), you will have the option to free the slaves at the Fort. Were you moved by the suffering of the slaves at Fortification Hill? Ever wondered why they stayed even after you'd wiped out the Legionaries? This mod gives you a chance to free Siri, Melody, the gladiators Stella and Andrews, and the Fort's generic slaves.