
Divinity original sin 2 hannag pet pal
Divinity original sin 2 hannag pet pal

You can give her the Meaty Stew you can get from Driftwood from the tavern. Two things we found out with my gf while playing: 1. Lesson learned kids, you know never know when your sack of assorted body parts will come in handy. I am so god damned upset, on my necromantic undead witch I had a whole bag body parts for Anyways and then I think "oh no taking up to much space, no elf to eat them, such a waste such a waste", so I get rid of it all and then this crap happens, agh. The village of scappaticcio, municipality of san giorgio a liri (frĪlso, she has a lot of ranged attacks, and her charm is crazy. As a different poster very helpfully pointed out: rotten limbs work just fine So no rotten feet! We tried to block the door with the chest, and it sort of worked, but then we "mysteriously" miss every single shot at her. Might want to get them as late as possible.

divinity original sin 2 hannag pet pal

The gloves she gives are scaled up to your level.

divinity original sin 2 hannag pet pal

If you have pet pal, talk to the spider to learn its story. At the second floor of Ryker's mansion, there is a huge spider in an abandoned room.

Divinity original sin 2 hannag pet pal